Dutch people are generally big fans of sweets. Compared to their surrounding countries, they are one of the biggest fans of candy in the world! Which classic candy is your favourite? Dutch marshmallows or the classic Haribo candy? At the Dutch Expat Shop you can easily order candy from the Netherlands online. Dutch marshmallows, Fruitella and Napoleon candy, it’s just a small selection from their huge assortment Dutch candy. Whatever type of candy you choose, you are assured of fast shipping anywhere in the world. Create a jar full of candy with all your Dutch and Belgian favorites by ordering from the Netherlands online in just a few clicks! Haribo, Napoleon or marshmallowsThee brand Haribo is one of the most commonly purchased sweets in Dutch supermarkets. Within the Dutch Expat’s assortment you will find Haribo candy classics such as “the Golden Bears” and their “Starmix”. Dutch marshmallows are also high up there on the favourites list. Dutch marshmallows are the ultimate cany at children’s parties but also still loved by adults. Are you a fan of sour sweets? Then Napoleon candy should not be missing in your candy collection. Delicious Napoleon bullets with a surprising powder core in a distribution bag for you to snack on or off or to give out. Dutch marshmallows, Haribo candy or Napoleon candy balls, which classic is your favorite? LiquoriceLiquorice, or “drop” in Dutch, is worlds away from what you may think of as liquorice. The Dutch consume the most liquorice in the world, which amounts to four pounds per person per year. Originally, it was used for medical purposes, to stop one’s coughing. In the second half of the nineteenth century, the Dutch started eating it as a sweet. There are four Dutch varieties based on texture (soft or hard) and taste (salty or sweet). But beware: there are some kinds of Dutch black liquorice that might have you spitting it back out if you’re not prepared! Want to try some Dutch snacks yourself?Dutch candy are a great way to surprise your friends, business relationships or colleagues. But getting these items can be a bit difficult if you’re not in the Netherlands or anywhere nearby. Lucky for you, you can easily order them online at Dutch Expat Shop. Do not wait any longer and take a quick look on their website!
https://www.dutchexpatshop.com/en/ |