Making your own pizza can be a lot of fun, you can do it with friends or bake a pizza on your first or second date. The first time we baked our own pizza we always had a spare one in our fridge, just in case anything went wrong. Have you ever heard of Monte Pizza Crust? They make the very best pizza dough ever! But you can also try making one on your own, and here’s how. How do they ‘dough’ itFor our recipe we’ll be using the following ingredients:
Firstly combine 125g of flour, yeast, garlic powder, dried basil, salt and sugar in a large bowl. Add the olive oil and the warm water and stir thoroughly with a wooden spoon. When everything is mixed you can add the rest of the flower until the dough is elastic and is beginning to pull away from the sides. Take a different bowl and add a little olive oil to the sides. Put the dough in this new bowl and start kneading it. Shape the dough into a ball and put it back in the bowl. Cover up the bowl with plastic and place it somewhere warm. It’s important to let the dough rest for at least 30 minutes. Let’s get bakingBefore you take the container make sure you start up the oven. Preheat it at around 200-215C. Now take the dough out of the container and shape it into a pizza, we’ll shape it into a heart this time. Add some tomato sauce to the top and add your favorite toppings. We’ll be using two different types of cheese, salami, paprika and some onion rings. Put it into the oven until ready to eat. If you like a more crunchy bottom you can put the dough in the oven for five minutes before adding any sauce and toppings. If it ends up going horribly wrong, you can always pay a visit to these well-known pizza restaurants. Regardless of the outcome, we hope you’ve had a wonderful time baking your first pizza! |