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Magnetfishing is getting more popular each day

Magnetic fishing is becoming more and more popular. However, this form of “treasure hunting” can sometimes be dangerous, as there are still plenty of war relics in the waters. If you don’t have a permit, you also face fines of up to 14,530 euros.

Instead of bait, a best magnet for magnet fishing is thrown into the water with the string. But the finds are sometimes not without danger: recently, war relics, such as tank shells, have been hooked several times – especially in the area of the Danube Canal.

“That’s a fire hazard, because these things can still be armed,” explains police press officer Barbara Gass. The demining service is in action more often because of this, she says. In addition, there is a widespread misconception: “Magnet fishing is not automatically permitted, but requires a permit under water law,” says Andrea Leitner from the Magistrate’s Office. Also necessary: the consent of the landowner. Who does not have this, must count on a report. Even for “normal” fishing or sport fishing, a fishing card and a license are required, Leitner adds.

For their traditional post ride, organizers Eveline Jossi and Silvia Mätzener had once again come up with a number of fun and creative tasks on horseback. Unfortunately, this time the weather was not nearly as kind as the 144-strong group of riders, as it rained almost continuously on the first Sunday of Advent. Brave perseverance was required not least for the many loyal helpers at nine intermediate stops, and not only at the time stops there were clammy fingers.